July 15th - Twillingate

We've been on the move, from Gros Morne to Lewisporte and then to Twillingate. In Lewisporte, we stayed at a campground owned by the city of Lewisporte. Woolfrey's Pond. It had a boardwalk around the pond and several walks to viewpoints. We also went to a u-pick strawberry farm and picked berries. Since we learned where to get the fresh meats and produce, we've been eating healthy again. I've been going to the Seafood Mkt "ie.the boats" and getting fresh fish. Now we're in Twillingate. This is called IceBerg Alley and the Iceberg Capital of the world. We saw lots more in St. Anthony's, but these are upclose and personal from the shore. (Be sure to click on the wide skinny picture. It is a panaramic of the iceberg cove).
We harvested Icebergs for ice and drinking water. The clearer the bergs, the purer the water. We collected a trash bucket full and brought it home for the freezer. The water was cold to our feet.

In the afternoon, we went on a hike of Little Harbour. Here we found the Natual Arch and great views. Any roads except the main ones are gravel or dirt. It's good we have the Jeep.


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