Happy Trails here we come (By way of Vegas)
Well, we finally left Winnebago Factory on Friday, Sept. 18. It was a long week. I could walk the whole town in 30 minutes. I did find a trail through the park and one or two days did get a walk in. It's really boring sitting there all day. The wi - fi was great so Bob got a lot done on the tournament program for the Nationals. I think we got all but one thing taken care of. They were great to work with, but I really was glad to get away. The factory is where you hear all the horror stories. Next we stopped over night at Paul and Jean Just's house in Rapid City, Iowa. We stayed in the driveway next to their rig. It was a great visit, going out for pizza. Paul's doing great and recovering but can't get away from there to head to Happy Trails until end of October or so. After that we visited our broker in St. Louis. I'd never been there so we went to the Budweiser Home and visited the Arch that is the Gateway to the West. It's a Monument commemorat...